THE | Fectoprine

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blurb 1.0

Right. Here it is. My first attempt at a blurb for Calibre. Some feedback would be awesome, but I'm self-aware enough to know that nobody actually looks at this, and if you have it's probably because of my direct instruction for you to do so, so just go back to my MSN/Facebook IM window and tell me there. As I said... this is my first attempt. I've never really created a blurb for a finalised product (I've made one here and there to try and stir interest amidst my friends, then go on to write nothing to assign it to). So I really do what to know how it sounds... so without further ado...

The giant pods of Pen Expers that somehow hang in the air; the town of Photo, where it always rains; the monstrosity that is Building 12... The world of the Fectoprine is a curious one. But something is terribly wrong.

As man attempts to scrub the world of a deity, the extraordinary are the enemy. Acting as the remnants of the mysterious Ruben Storm, those who possess calibres - supernatural abilities granted to seemingly random individuals - are dubbed competitors and hunted down. For it is only a matter of time until they become the ‘host’ - nothing but a projection of Ruben himself - and potentially destroy the Fectoprine... or redefine humanity itself. But what place does humanity have in this world?

Eric Paradinas is a competitor, possessing a tongue of silver that only the deaf can defy, who becomes reluctantly entangled in the ongoing battle between the two distinct sides. While both parties seem to share the same goal - destroy Ruben Storm - they have very different ideas as to how it will be done. And the clock is ticking, but only the elusive nemesis knows the ring of its chime...
So yeah. Let us know. Any good? Would you consider reading a book with this blurb? Thanks!


  1. People DO read this blog, or at least I check in every now and then :D And yes, the blurb is great and I, personally, would read it! Kyle

  2. Sounds radically different to what I've read so far... Unwent a transformation I see. The blurb is brilliant, but I do wonder if it gives away too much... / Jared
