THE | Fectoprine

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Actual progress!

About four weeks after I finished the first draft, I started marking it up. Admittedly, I did not pick up many errors, which was kind of frustrating as I knew they would inevitably be there. But my main goal - to ensure coherence in the next draft - is mostly achieved... on paper, at least. I'm yet to go through the actual documents and make the changes I've outlined, but I'm actually up to that stage now.
Right now, I actually feel rather stupid - it took me two fairly long days to mark up seven chapters. I could have finished this stage months ago. Now that I've arranged to have it looked over for errors and consistency by somebody else, which I believe will easily be a more effective method, it frustrates me that I put off doing something so simple for so long, thus meaning I can't send it right to them yet. However, at least soon I will have a coherent draft, with all of the crap that I don't want, cut.
I have a headache. Ttyl.

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