THE | Fectoprine

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Missing the deadline

Well, it was the fifteenth yesterday, and Chapter Twelve was not completed. I don't feel too bad about it - it's not really a case of laziness regarding why I've fallen behind, as my trip to New Zealand had a lot to do with that. But it means I'll be putting more pressure on myself this month to complete four chapters, although I might just settle with three so next month - which, according to the plan, will be the final month for the first draft - I'll be able to create a kick-ass duo of closing chapters. Right?

Chapter 12 is going to include a series of flash-backs regarding the birth of the circle which the entire book has essentially revolved around, plus the confrontation with Wade Valentine and the situation in the water station (which I don't plan to keep going on for too long). The effects of the bond will also be fleshed out more... Yeah, at this point, most of this will probably only make sense to me. But this is for self-reference, after all.

I've done a lot of thinking regarding the nature of my antagonist and, to be honest, I'm overly pretty pleased with it: it's something a little different for the kind of book that Calibre is, and it's an idea I've tried many times with little success. In fact, I know enough about what's going on now (as I damn well should) to put together a blurb... but I'm too tired to bother right now.

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