THE | Fectoprine

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Last night, I spent a couple of hours sitting on my thinking hammock, rocking back and forth, listening to music, and was thinking about the story. And I'm pleased to say... after six chapters, I know what's going to happen.

But this outcome comes at a price, which means extra work for the second draft: I will be removing Ian Treale as a character. He was developed as a kind of 'saviour', but was completely absent in the first three chapters. What was evident in those chapters, however, was things like a 'greater fate' than things like Pen Expers, which has also been looked into in 5/6. Despite the removal of Ian Treale, however, Treefingers will still be in Chapter 4, and will be a big deal later on...

I'll admit, I haven't done much for Chapter Seven yet. But because it is essentially the first chapter of part two of the book, I don't think this is a huge deal - I think it'll benefit if I write it on the weekend when I have a clear head and an empty schedule. :)

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